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XPS:eXtensible Programming System



Welcome to the eXtensible Programming System (XPS).

This documentation describes the internal software that makes up XPS, not the external use of XPS. There are no instructions here on how to use XPS, only how to develop it. For usage instructions please obtain the programmer's guide or user's guide for XPL and XPS respectively.


This documentation is generated directly from the source code with doxygen. Since XPS is constantly under active development, what you're about to read is out of date! However, it may still be useful since certain portions of XPS are relatively stable (base, os, mem ). When XPS reaches full stability (around release 0.9), this caveat will be removed and the documentation will pertain to a specific release of the software. Until then, refer back often to this page as it is updated between releases as significant changes are made.


XPS is a comprehensive programming platform that hides all the "hard stuff" and makes programming much easier. By "hard stuff" we mean at least the following:

Individually, none of the "hard stuff" is new. There are many software packages and tools that provide these functions competently. What is new is the ability to package all the "hard stuff" into a single well-integrated product that then hides the details from the programmer. By providing a comprehensive platform upon which robust Internet applications are developed, XPS makes that development easier.

But that's just the beginning. It isn't enough to produce just a best-of-class development environment. Programming is also hampered by its low level of abstraction. After 50+ years of software development, we're still only a few levels removed from the physical machine. This low level of abstraction still requires highly-skilled programmers to produce extremely technical code. While that fosters job security, it doesn't do much to advance the state of the art. One of XPS's stated goals is to bring programming to layperson and expert alike. We envision a day when programming is just plain easy.

XPS uses a variety of techniques to address this situation:

Each of these is described in the following subsections.

eXtensible Virtual Machine (XVM)

The XVM is the basic building block of XPS. It is responsible for the correct execution of XPL programs. Virtual machines are nothing new, they've been around for decades. However, the XVM differs from previous virtual machine implementations in the following ways:

eXtensible Programming Language (XPL)

XPL is a high-level programming language. It supports the usual definition of types, functions, object classes and methods, and etc. However, it also provides numerous complicated features by simply declaring them. That is, you don't do any procedural programming for these features, you just declare that you want them. Some of the features that can be applied declaratively are:

By handling these kinds of things as simple selectable options, the programmer needn't be bogged down in trying to correctly implement them in every program. Furthermore, XPS handles any combination of these features efficiently. It carefully analyzes which features a given program construct is requesting and generates the best code for that combination.

XPL is also very flexible. Because it is based on XML, all the power of XML processing tools can be utilized. Two are worthy of mentioning here:

XML Substitution Groups (Horizontal Extension)
XPL uses XML substitution groups in its schema definition to allow additional syntax and semantics to be added to the base XPL language. Unlike more static languages, this means it is possible for the XPL compiler recognize language constructs not originally envisioned.
XSL Transformations (Vertical Extension)
The XPL compiler can compile higher order languages if there is an XSL Transformation available from the high order language to XPL. The transformations is automatically and transparently applied by the compiler. This allows programmers to rapidly invent their own languages to meet the needs of their particular application domain.
Together these two features comprise the extensibility features for XPL.

Horizontal and Vertical eXtensibility

As just noted, XPL supports horizontal and vertical extensiblity. First, lets define what we mean by this. If you think of XPS as a black box sitting on the floor, you can put other boxes around (horizontally on the floor) or on top of it (building a stack vertically). When we speak of horizontal extensibility, we mean adding things to the fundamental nature of XPS. For example, a web server's plugin is a kind of horizontal extensibility. You add some code that gets invoked through a well defined interface to make the web server do something it didn't do before .. little boxes laid out on the floor. When we speak of vertical extensibility we mean using the core features of XPS (and, possibily, its horizontal extensions) in new and interesting ways without changing XPS itself. For example, the C pre-processor is an example of vertical extensibility. You can make regular old C and C++ programs much more concise by breaking it into multiple #included files and using macros to eliminate repetitive or complex constructs.

To support horizontal extensibility, XPS provides the following:

To support vertical extensibility, XPS provides the following:

Other Features

Although the overview above describes the main features of XPS, there are some additional features worthy of at least making a note here:


XPS provides a wealth of tools to the programmer. And, those tools are aimed at making programming easier, not more complicated. The "hard stuff" is encoded into the internals of XPS so that programmer's can simply select the features they need in their programs. Extensibility further enhances simplicity by allowing programming to be done at higher and higher levels of abstraction without loss of performance. Planned extensions will directly support the rapid creation of high-quality software.

Shameless Plug

If you've been programming for at least a couple of years, you're probably salivating by now. XPS, as described above, is aimed at being programming heaven. But, before you get your hopes up too high, take to heart that XPS is currently a work in progress. Much of what is described above is just jotted down notes, ruminations from past experience, and the desire to be really, really lazy when it comes to programming high quality applications. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of hard work to be that lazy. Although we believe XPS to be doable in the short term, it is definitely a challenge -- a challenge worth taking.

So, here's where you come in. If you've gotten over laughing at the audaciousness of the project, and think it is a worthy ambition, why not lend a hand? We need help in just about every area. Why not utilize your best talents and add your name to the roster of contributors to what will eventually become the way to program Internet applications?

We look forward to your future contributions.

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